Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Aura Photos Septermber Newsletter


Thought Of The Day

What we are today comes from our thoughts of yesterday, and our present thoughts build our life for tomorrow. Our life is the creation of our mind. If a man speaks or acts with impure mind, suffering follows him as the wheel of the cart follows the beast that draws the cart. If a man speaks or acts with a pure mind joy follows him to lead a happy life.


Prana, the universal energy, is a basic constituent and source of life. This prana is spread like a sea on this planet. The human energy field or aura is manifestation of universal energy that is closely connected with living beings. One can say that aura is a light of supreme being illuminating from within our body spreading out around us. Aura is extension of our higher self and manifestation of the cosmic nature of our being. It is the antennae of consciousness, treasure trove of knowledge, and repository of limitless growth possibilities and storehouse of karmas –our action and reactions are registered and stored in aura.

To fulfill the inquisitiveness about aura-

What is an aura?
An aura is composed of electromagnetic radiations from infra red to ultraviolet light. The infra red part of the spectrum is related to functions of the body. While high frequency colors are related to thinking, creativity, intentions, sense of humor and emotions.

What is Human aura?
The human aura is life sustaining energy field around the human body that characterizes emotional physical mental and spiritual status of human being. It acts as a protective sheath to human body from negative vibrations by interacting with outer environment and inner state.

Mudras- A very handy and easy way to heal common ailments. Please see the attachment

Vaastu and Fengshui Tips

It is extremely important to keep your main door clean and well lit up.
In an apartment you may find that as you open main door .there are steps going down. Living in such place, causes hindrance and obstruction in career .If you are buying new place avoid buying new place avoid buying such place .If you already have such apartment, as a cure, install strong and heavy objects like rock or statue on first step .Do not paint this with blue color or put cactus plant just inside main door.

Padma’s home remedies


1. Take few seeds of mustard add 1-2 drops of cooking oil and swallow it with water.
2. Swallow 1 tsp of fenugreek seeds without chewing with buttermilk or water.
3. Few leaves of mint mixed with 1 tsp of lemon and honey also gives good result.

Care taken during diarrhea
Drink plenty of fluids like lemon juice, fruit juices, vegetable soups, coconut water etc.
Avoid drinking milk during diarrhea but can have curds or buttermilk.
Consume small and frequent meals instead of 3 heavy meals.
Eat fruits like banana and apple as they have lot of potassium which helps maintain fluid balance.

Love and Light
Nilima Shah
Nature Harmony,

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