Saturday, October 2, 2010




Express your uniqueness in whatever you do. Express your individuality. Let existence be proud of you. Then life will not be felt like a burden or a drag. It will be like fragrance.

--- OSHO

The self expression of God is in endless variety of creation and our attitude towards Infinite Being must also in its expression have a variety of individuality ceaseless and unending.

--- Rabindranath Tagore

AURA – CHAKRA: an introduction:

There are seven layers of aura and each layer has its own specific function. Each layer is associated with a chakra that is, first layer of aura is associated with Root Chakra which functions as for human body and deals with material life.

The second layer is associated with sacral chakra which controls emotions.

The third layer is associated with solar plexus function- linear thinking.

The fourth layer and fourth chakra, heart chakra, are associated with love, for self and humanity around you in general.

The fifth layer and throat chakras associated with higher will, communication and taking responsibility of our actions.

The sixth layer and chakra are associated with celestial love. It makes a statement of caring and support for the protection and nurturing of all life. It holds life as precious manifestations of God.

The seventh layer and seventh chakra are associated with higher mind, knowing and integration of our spiritual and physical make up.


Relaxation is the body’s own form of meditation. Movement is slowed, muscle release tension, and aches dissolved. But to gain most out of relaxation, a degree of mindfulness is necessary; meditation and relaxation are therefore inextricably linked. You need to be fully present with complete awareness in the moment using all your senses.

In relaxing your body, you need to relax the mind at the same time but not through tuning out since you then become detached from the essence of true relaxation.

We fall into stressful situation in our daily life, in such situation even a few minute of deep breathing, calming and stilling the body mind can help you distress. Minimum 20 minutes of meditation to start with, increasing time slowly as you learn to gain stillness will help you fight the stress keeping you calm and clear headed.


Noisy places:

One should avoid staying near noisy area like very busy roads, shopping complexes etc. as it disperses the energy too fast and creates an active form of yang energy. If it is inevitable to live in such places, use blue color in the house for example, walls, curtains bed sheets can be used of blue color.



1. Have juice of raw potato. Make thin slices of potato with skin soak them in a glass of water and drink this water empty stomach first thing in the morning.

2. Combination of raw carrot juice, beet and celery juice mixed with any green leafy vegetable juice helps relive from joint pains.

3. Drink water kept in copper vessel overnight.

Juice of drumstick is also very beneficial for arthritis.

Love and Light

Nilima Shah

(Nature Harmony)

Saturday, August 14, 2010



Thought of the day:

Just as various rivers with different names fall into the sea, they lose their identity and become the sea itself. So also the enlightened also lose their separate names and forms and become one with Supreme.


Not seeing what is pleasant brings pain: seeing what is unpleasant brings pain. Therefore go beyond pleasure and pain.


AURA --- Seventh layer—causal body:

The last layer of the aura extends about 2-3 feet of the body of a normal person to many feet or meters of spiritually elevated person. When a meditator reaches his consciousness to seventh level, he becomes one with Creator. This layer has a shape of an egg and shields and protects all auric bodies and energies around the body. It has all the information and karmas of present and past incarnations. The color of this seventh layer is shining golden light. This light runs up and down the spine nourishing the whole body .It also has past life karmas around head and neck as colored blocks.

Meditation Postures:

A Proper postures while meditating is important as it enhances the flow of subtle energies without obstruction. On a more practical level, a supported, straight spine above which a head is balanced and relaxed, promotes an open and receptive posture that helps you gain control over mind.

The most popular meditation posture is lotus posture or half lotus posture. which helps to instill a proud uplifting attitude in the mind. Also it helps to close muladhar or root chakra while in this posture and prevent the flow of energy going downwards flowing out of the body.

Closing eyes while meditating aids concentration and their visualization abilities.

Meditation with open eyes helps train you to maintain a meditative attitude in your daily activities. It enhances you awareness of being grounded in “here and now.”


1. Always open the doors and windows of the house for at least 30 minutes a day to let fresh new chi enter the house. This helps us to keep our mind healthy.

2. Do not use red colored sofas as the red color represents fire. And it brings troubles, work pressure and obstacles in life.

3. Do not keep furniture bed or any kind of major things below beams as they creates lot of pressure on chi. And thus in environment causing pressure in our lives.

4. There should be solid wall behind a bed as it gives deep and sound sleep. Also see to it that the electric wires do not pass from that solid wall.

5. There should not be stove and washing machine/refrigerator/wash basin or toilet opposite each other as fire and water will cause disagreements.

Padma’s Home Remedies: Back Pain:

1. Use of Vitamin C is beneficial for back pain. Few drops of lemon in hot water with a teaspoon of honey is good for back ache.

2. One teaspoon of fenugreek seeds will help reduce backache.

3. Apply a potato on the affected area.

4. Garlic oil is good for massage in pain area.

Love and Light

Nilima Shah\

(Nature Harmony)

Friday, August 6, 2010


Food for Thought:

When a man sets out on a journey,
He takes provisions with him;
If it is for one day he takes provision for two days. If it be for ten days march, he takes provision of fifteen days. And he thinks he will come back in health to his beloved friend’s parents and brethren.
How then it is that man takes no provisions for that unavoidable journey, on which one must go once and for all for eternal journey.

The celestial body - 6th layer.

Celestial body, the Aura’s 6th layer extending from physical body to around 2 - 3 feet. It is an emotional level on spiritual plane. It is this level through which we experience spiritual bliss. We can reach this level through meditation and many other transformation work. Reaching this level gets us connected to universe and feeling of oneness with the universe and the realization of the fact that we are of it and it is of us and we are one with God then we know we have raised our consciousness to sixth level. Unconditional love flows when there is open heart chakra and celestial chakra. The color of this level is golden silver light.

Meditation - Powerful Tool Of Inner Serenity

Meditation teaches you to be more honest with yourself and you will learn to take more congruent approach towards life. Meditation harmonizes the outer world with the inner world.
The two qualities associated with meditation traditions are compassion and wisdom.
Scientifically it is known that brain wave patterns work on four levels: beta alpha theta and delta. Beta controls analytical logical deductive qualities of left brain; It is where the physical activity and rational thoughts takes place. The alpha right brain is creative, imaginative and artistic. It is also where intuition, feeling and innate intelligence stem from. This is the best level of meditation. Endorphins chemicals that promote feelings of well being in a person and have been proved to boost immune system are releases in alpha state. It is much slower pulsating brain wave in which you reach a very deep mental stillness and access true imagination inspiration and artistic ideas. It is at delta level the slowest pulsating brain wave that is experienced by yogis who attain a state of absolute spiritual ecstasy.


To balance yin and yang – negative and positive energy.

1. Remove all clutters as it obstructs the flow of energy.
2. There are some places in the house that remain shaded or dark. The energy flow is very low there so place a small bulb there and keep it on all the time. In some places where there is too much light put dark glass or film to lessen down too much of chi.
3. If there is a room where there is no or less activity, place a wind chime or any other constantly moving object to balance its energy.

Padma’s Home Remedies:
1. 8-10 curry leaves are good to control diabetes.
2. Mango leaves are also good.
3. Fenugreek seeds gives good result in controlling blood sugar.
4. Seeds of Indian plum (jamun)
5. mixture of equal amount of gooseberry powder, turmeric powder, bitter gourd powder, neem leaves powder, jamun seeds powder, galo and gokhru helps control diabetes.

Caution: These are old home remedies. It is better to take in small amount first. If it suits you, then only you should use it. While using it, keep getting your blood sugar checked regularly.

Love and light

Nilima Shah
(Nature harmony)

Friday, May 28, 2010


Food for thought:

There are people who, because of their bad karmas from the past, engage in evil pursuits and selfish activities and devote no time to inquiry or worship of God. For this reason they suffer.

The most ignorant man is happy and likewise most enlightened man, each in his own fashion.

But those who are midway, being neither ignorant nor completely enlightened are wretched. They have realized the ephemeral nature of the world and are dissatisfied with its pleasures, yet they do not know bliss of God.




Astral body is colorful composed of all different rainbow colors. It extends about 1- 1and half ft. from the body. The colors are more beautiful and vibrant than the emotional body.


Learning to still the mind.-

No particular skills are required to meditate. All you have to do is sit down and “be”.

The tool to start meditation is or training the mind is concentration .Focus your attention at one point or thought. Being in state of non doing teaches you to

cut through mental chatter termed “discursiveness” because it is an endless internal conversation moving between decision and indecision, swinging between moods and emotions, seesawing from hope to fear. Such emotions influence the decisions you make and actions you take in life.

To start with, sit in a comfortable position in a quiet and serene place and with deep slow breathing. Try to focus on something as long as you can. One may find it difficult as thoughts won’t stop pouring in. To bring in the peaceful state of mind, slow and steady practice with patience will slow down mental turbulence.


Shape of plots- (CONT.)

8. STAR- Such shape causes quarrels, litigation, and destruction of peace.

9. SEMI CIRCULAR – Brings poverty.

10 .Gaumukhakar – It is auspicious and brings all kinds of happiness to a resident.

11.Singh Mukhakar – Beneficial for commercial purposes but bad for residence purpose.



Drink crane berry juice 3-4 glasses a day.

Half glass of soda mixed with half glass of cold milk helps fight infection.

Have lots of vitamin C.

Drink lots of water.




Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Wednesday, January 6, 2010



On the occasion of Christmas and welcome of the New Year, Nature Harmony will give a free analysis of one picture you send before 15th January 2010. Anything you wish to know- physical mental or spiritual status.

For mental and spiritual status, and if you have doubt about any health problem, or have any problem and wish to know its intensity, go through the instructions on website and send us a picture(only one) and we will send you the analysis.


Better than a hundred years lived in idleness and weakness is a single day of life lived with courage and powerful striving.

Everyone fears death; everyone loves life just as you do. Therefore do not kill or cause to kill.


1. Does the environment influence aura?

Yes environment does influence aura.

2. What are the adverse conditions that affect aura?

The negative attitude towards oneself and others, that is materialistic attitude, fear, anxiety, jealousy, low self esteem, anger, suppression, wrong intentions etc. makes the aura dull muddy and weak.

3. What are some of the positive conditions that affect the aura?

Love, the most powerful instrument to lead a positive life influences the aura most. That is love towards oneself and true concern for others and connecting to higher self dramatically affects and influences the aura making it very strong and powerful.


Rangoli is made in front of the house because the bright and beautiful colors attract good energy.

Diya is a good way to eliminate negative energy.

Put sea salt in four corners of every room or of the house. This is another way to remove negative energy from the house.

If you wish to see the proof for this,ring a small bell in all the corners of the house, note the difference between 1 and 30.

HONEY CURE :( attachment)

Padma’s Home remedies:

Flatulence and Distension of stomach-

1. Mild laxatives should be taken everyday.

2. Asafetida dissolved in hot water and soak a cotton wool or a pad of cloth in it and foment the abdomen.

3. 2 tbsp of juice of ginger mixed with little salt gives immediate relief.

4. Equal amount of dried ginger, ajwain( oregano seeds) steeped in two and a half times of lime juice and a little black salt should be added to it. Half tsp of this powder should be taken with warm water.

Love and Light

Nilima Shah

(Nature Harmony)

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