Saturday, October 2, 2010




Express your uniqueness in whatever you do. Express your individuality. Let existence be proud of you. Then life will not be felt like a burden or a drag. It will be like fragrance.

--- OSHO

The self expression of God is in endless variety of creation and our attitude towards Infinite Being must also in its expression have a variety of individuality ceaseless and unending.

--- Rabindranath Tagore

AURA – CHAKRA: an introduction:

There are seven layers of aura and each layer has its own specific function. Each layer is associated with a chakra that is, first layer of aura is associated with Root Chakra which functions as for human body and deals with material life.

The second layer is associated with sacral chakra which controls emotions.

The third layer is associated with solar plexus function- linear thinking.

The fourth layer and fourth chakra, heart chakra, are associated with love, for self and humanity around you in general.

The fifth layer and throat chakras associated with higher will, communication and taking responsibility of our actions.

The sixth layer and chakra are associated with celestial love. It makes a statement of caring and support for the protection and nurturing of all life. It holds life as precious manifestations of God.

The seventh layer and seventh chakra are associated with higher mind, knowing and integration of our spiritual and physical make up.


Relaxation is the body’s own form of meditation. Movement is slowed, muscle release tension, and aches dissolved. But to gain most out of relaxation, a degree of mindfulness is necessary; meditation and relaxation are therefore inextricably linked. You need to be fully present with complete awareness in the moment using all your senses.

In relaxing your body, you need to relax the mind at the same time but not through tuning out since you then become detached from the essence of true relaxation.

We fall into stressful situation in our daily life, in such situation even a few minute of deep breathing, calming and stilling the body mind can help you distress. Minimum 20 minutes of meditation to start with, increasing time slowly as you learn to gain stillness will help you fight the stress keeping you calm and clear headed.


Noisy places:

One should avoid staying near noisy area like very busy roads, shopping complexes etc. as it disperses the energy too fast and creates an active form of yang energy. If it is inevitable to live in such places, use blue color in the house for example, walls, curtains bed sheets can be used of blue color.



1. Have juice of raw potato. Make thin slices of potato with skin soak them in a glass of water and drink this water empty stomach first thing in the morning.

2. Combination of raw carrot juice, beet and celery juice mixed with any green leafy vegetable juice helps relive from joint pains.

3. Drink water kept in copper vessel overnight.

Juice of drumstick is also very beneficial for arthritis.

Love and Light

Nilima Shah

(Nature Harmony)

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