Saturday, August 14, 2010



Thought of the day:

Just as various rivers with different names fall into the sea, they lose their identity and become the sea itself. So also the enlightened also lose their separate names and forms and become one with Supreme.


Not seeing what is pleasant brings pain: seeing what is unpleasant brings pain. Therefore go beyond pleasure and pain.


AURA --- Seventh layer—causal body:

The last layer of the aura extends about 2-3 feet of the body of a normal person to many feet or meters of spiritually elevated person. When a meditator reaches his consciousness to seventh level, he becomes one with Creator. This layer has a shape of an egg and shields and protects all auric bodies and energies around the body. It has all the information and karmas of present and past incarnations. The color of this seventh layer is shining golden light. This light runs up and down the spine nourishing the whole body .It also has past life karmas around head and neck as colored blocks.

Meditation Postures:

A Proper postures while meditating is important as it enhances the flow of subtle energies without obstruction. On a more practical level, a supported, straight spine above which a head is balanced and relaxed, promotes an open and receptive posture that helps you gain control over mind.

The most popular meditation posture is lotus posture or half lotus posture. which helps to instill a proud uplifting attitude in the mind. Also it helps to close muladhar or root chakra while in this posture and prevent the flow of energy going downwards flowing out of the body.

Closing eyes while meditating aids concentration and their visualization abilities.

Meditation with open eyes helps train you to maintain a meditative attitude in your daily activities. It enhances you awareness of being grounded in “here and now.”


1. Always open the doors and windows of the house for at least 30 minutes a day to let fresh new chi enter the house. This helps us to keep our mind healthy.

2. Do not use red colored sofas as the red color represents fire. And it brings troubles, work pressure and obstacles in life.

3. Do not keep furniture bed or any kind of major things below beams as they creates lot of pressure on chi. And thus in environment causing pressure in our lives.

4. There should be solid wall behind a bed as it gives deep and sound sleep. Also see to it that the electric wires do not pass from that solid wall.

5. There should not be stove and washing machine/refrigerator/wash basin or toilet opposite each other as fire and water will cause disagreements.

Padma’s Home Remedies: Back Pain:

1. Use of Vitamin C is beneficial for back pain. Few drops of lemon in hot water with a teaspoon of honey is good for back ache.

2. One teaspoon of fenugreek seeds will help reduce backache.

3. Apply a potato on the affected area.

4. Garlic oil is good for massage in pain area.

Love and Light

Nilima Shah\

(Nature Harmony)

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